Discover unbeatable savings with our latest service specials, available at all of our service locations.

Our goal is to help you save on the services that matter most to you, ensuring your vehicle runs smoothly without breaking the bank. Don’t miss out—explore our current offers and let us assist you in keeping your equipment in top condition while saving money in the process.

5% Off Parts for Any Work Performed in Our Mack & Volvo Service Departments

Receive 5% off parts for any work performed in our Mack and Volvo service departments.
Applies to estimates approved and work completed between the dates of Nov 1st – Dec 31st, 2024

Only applicable at the following locations: Lacey, Des Moines, Portland (trucks only), Wilsonville, Eugene, Redmond, Medford, Dixon (trucks only), Oakland, La Mirada, Fontana, San Diego, Reno (trucks only) Las Vegas, Omaha, Sioux City and Sioux Falls

*Does not apply to trailer or Cummins repairs.

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